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  KWK Steel Co.,Ltd.
Turkey Business activity slow in the domestic rebar market
KWK Steel Co.,Ltd.  Time:2013-10-10
The Turkish domestic market for rebar has become silent ahead of the religious holidays. Despite low stocks, customers have adopted a wait-and-see attitude. As a result, local producers have only neutralized the effect of currency fluctuations, keeping prices flat in the US dollar terms. Demand is expected to pick up after the holidays.

Mills?domestic prices for rebar have stood at $576-591/t (TRY 1,345-1,380/t) EXW depending on region in the middle of the week against $572-589/t (TRY 1,350-1,390/t) EXW in early October. Prices in the lira terms include 18% VAT, those in the US dollars exclude it. The exchange rate is $1 = TRY 1.98.

Turkey: mills?domestic prices for 12 mm rebar, $/t (TRY/t)
(prices in lira terms include 18% VAT, those in US dollars exclude it, $1 = TRY 1.98)

Region Price
General range 576-591 (1,345-1,380)
Izmir 576-578 (1,345-1,350)
Marmara 589-591 (1,375-1,380)
Iskenderun 586-589 (1,370-1,375)

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